The Shadan Educational Society is to provide best health care facilities to the people of local and neighbouring regions. Hence it strived to established a medical college. A well equipped teaching hospital is also necessary for the benefit of the students. Keeping in view of these objectives, the society had taken up and constructed a hospital with all specialties which would provide teaching facility for both under Graduate and Post Graduate students.
Shadan Hospital is spread over 26 Acres of land on Himayath Sagar Road, the hospital consist of 750 beds, administrative block, library attached with each department, 24 hours Accident and Emergency department and Pharmacy, departments of all broad specialties and Canteen facility. This Hospital is catering to the needs of near by villages like Bandlaguda Kismathpur, Peerancheru, Rajendar Nagar, Moinabad, Golconda Fort, Ibrahim Bagh, Narsingi, and Gandipet etc. Hospital comes under the jurisdiction of R.H.C Narsingi R.R. dist. on the way to P.H.C Moinabad.
Shadan Hospital has its own magnificent building to provide hostel accommodation for medical students Resident Doctors, Nurses and emergency staff .
The aim of management is to strive hard for the medical excellence with a sound infrastructure, this hospital is well equipped with modern facilities for diagnosis and treatment. Patients attending this hospital are provided with free consultation, investigations and medicines. Inpatient facility including of I.C.U, I.C.C.U, N.I.C.U, P.I.C.U, Labour Room, Post Operative Care and all types of surgeries which include caesarians are provided free of cost.

A magnificiant 4 storied building has been built to accomodate the facilities. There are (18) Out patients Department including casualty, General Medicine, Cardiology, Gynaecology, Optholmology, Orthopedics, psychiatrics, Physiotherapy, radiology, Laboratory Blood Bank etc.
There are 10 Operation Theatres and 2 Labour Rooms. Thus adequate accommodation is available for all specialties. There are 19 wards for Male , Female & Pediatrics patients.